In terms of the moon's course, the Hasta moon house plays a prominent role in 2024. Because this year a solar and lunar eclipse will be observed in this naksatra. The full moon on March 25th and the new moon on October 2nd in the Hasta naksatra can activate such events that, in the best case, we will finally...
Retrograde periods in 2024
When and witch planet turn retrograde during 2024?
Full moons and new moons 2024
During 2024, we will have an exact new moon and full moon in the following signs and lunar houses according to the Vedic astrology. (Budapest time, GMT+1)
Sun in the signs 2024 | Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology works with the real position of the constellations.
On October 30, 2023, Rahu, the future point of the karmic axis, will enter the constellation Pisces. This concludes an 18-19 year cycle closure.
We can expect a dynamically changing period between June and November after Ketu enters a lunar house ruled by Mars. Doors that give way to creative energy can open now.
Sun in the signs 2023 | Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology works with the real position of the constellations.
Full moons and new moons 2023
During 2023, we will have an exact new moon and full moon in the following signs, degrees and lunar houses according to the Vedic astrology.
On February 20, we will not only have an Aquarius new moon, but a point on the karma axis, Rahu, will change nakshatra.
Saturn will enter Aquarius on January 17, 2023. During his 2.5-year stay there, it builds and renews systems and communities and cleans up group karma.
This autumn, not only solar and lunar eclipses will invigorate your energies, but you can also expect frequent changes of direction, both in the sky and on Earth. But there is no reason to panic.
New Moon and Jupiter retrograde on the same day, July 28, then Mars-Uranus-Rahu conjunction on August 1st. Reorganizations of the balance of power are expected.