During 2022, at the following times (GMT+1), and according to Vedic astrological system, we will have an exact new moon and full moon in the following constellations, degrees, and lunar houses.

Venus is retrograde from December 19th. It returns from the beginning of the constellation Capricorn, touches Pluto for a second time, then returns to Sagittarius. The planet of love and money will turn in a direct direction on January 29, 2022.

With the new moon Scorpio, there will be a partial solar eclipse on December 4, one of the messages of which is that we still have to go through emptiness to move forward.

On the morning of November 19, the full moon will be clarified (GMT+1). We will have a full moon with an almost complete lunar eclipse of unprecedented length for centuries, which will be seen mainly in North America, Eastern Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

October can hold many changes for us. It can already be felt that huge energies will peak in October this year, as the two planets of fate, the planet of transformation and the planet of communication, are moving forward, and even Rahu changes naksatra.

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