Sun in the signs 2024 | Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology works with the real position of the constellations.
This is the reason for its deviation from the western-tropical astrological system regarding the position of the planets. The reason why the current degree of the planetary positions in the two systems, and sometimes not even the sign, is the same is because in 2024 the constellations are roughly 23.5 degrees further back in reality than according to the supposedly static signs of the Western system.
Sun transit in 2024
Below you can see how long the Sun will be in a particular constellation in the year 2024.
CAPRICORN: January 15 - February 12
AQUARIUS: February 13 - March 13
PISCES: March 14 - April 12
ARIES: April 13 - May 13
TAURUS: May 14 - June 14
GEMINI: June 15 - July 15
CANCER: July 16 - August 15
LEO: August 16 - September 15
VIRGO: September 16 - October 16
LIBRA: October 17 - November 15
SCORPIO: November 16 - December 14
SAGITTARIUS: December 15 - January 14
In order to analyze a person's personality, it is necessary, but not sufficient, to know only his/her Sun Sign. By evaluating the entire birth chart, you can get a clearer and more realistic picture of the individual's character and possibilities by examining any area of his life.