Nostalgia train during the new moon on August 8: Where are you going back?


The energy of the new moon in the constellation Cancer complements that of the full moon two weeks ago. The meeting of the Sun and the Moon will take place in the Ashlesa Naksatra, whose lord, Mercury, may just be gandanta, a fateful period.

Nostalgic train: departs

In the days around the new moon, we find ourselves in a situation that evokes old memories. If we experience this, immerse ourselves in it and finally let go of the negative pattern attached to it, no longer clinging to the load that has been carried for a long time, which binds and impedes our mobility.

The new moon of August nicely complements the main theme of the year of Saturn: the laying down of burdens, thoughts, desires that no longer serve us.

Flashback from newborns and infants era

We can fall into situations that strongly stimulate our subconscious, which can take us back to a period when we could not understand ourselves with others (they did not understand our needs, our thoughts).

Now it can even turn on early childhood or birth trauma (for example, because of Ashlésa naksatra, umbilical cord wrapped around our neck). It may also shed light on what feeds our attachment difficulties (e.g., maternal natural nutrition, lack of breastfeeding, or a touch from childhood from an adult that we would have rejected).

This can make nervous, skin, stomach or breast problems worse. Relaxation and / or meditation, contemplation or water (lake, river, sea) are still doing a good service. This is an excellent time to heal the inner child.

Because of the position of Mars, it is likely that the subconscious blocks that have now been dissolved will also have a beneficial effect on the relationship later on. Since the full moon in July, it is timely to leave our scratching patterns on the surface, and now it is worth healing the wounds caused by toxic memories and people.