March-April 2025: Eclipses, retrograde planets and Saturn's sign change


We are looking forward to an unusual spring this year. Not only will there be a lunar and solar eclipse in March, but after Venus, Mercury will also turn retrograde, and on top of everything, Saturn will change signs according to the Vedic astrological system.

Time window: Disintegration of unstable situations between 2025-2027

A time window will open, which we will either cross or remain in the energies and illusions of the past. According to the Vedic astrological system, Saturn will be in the constellation Pisces between March 29, 2025 and June 3, 2027.

Pisces is the last, closing sign of the zodiac. Saturn here brings dissolution, the disintegration of structures without a stable foundation, the cessation of unstable life situations. What time has passed over, it brings about the inevitable degradation.

Saturn in Pisces predicts that we have about 2.5 years to overcome our own limitations, finally step out of our comfort zone, and thereby expand our horizons and the storehouse of our possibilities. 

This "recommendation" to follow is also supported by the constellation that will form around April 15th, when Saturn will be in exact conjunction with Neptune and Rahu, which marks the future, the Ascending Lunar Node. The full moon, Mercury, and Venus, which is currently stationary and turning directly, will also be involved in this conjunction. We can experience extraordinary days in mid-April.

What kind of life do we want for ourselves in 30 years?

We build the future with the decisions and choices we make now. It would be important to identify the points that we should leave behind because the time of Saturn in Pisces lays the foundation for our next thirty years, after Pisces (closing), Aries opens a new cycle in 2.5 years.

During Saturn in Pisces, those areas in our lives that no longer have enough energy and perspective to start the next cycle will likely become more pronounced. After Saturn in Pisces, from the summer of 2027 at the latest, those things that have no power, no potential, and whose time has expired will most likely no longer be able to function. 

Those activities, relationships, habits, pastimes, jobs, belief systems, convictions, desires, dreams, goals, plans that no longer serve our lives, that no longer move our future forward, will be dismantled. Obviously, this change and transformation will manifest itself in everyone's life with different weight and in different areas.

Spring can highlight that the time of our current incarnation is finite, and the experiences we can gain now are unrepeatable. Therefore, during our stay here, we should create a life for ourselves in which we can fulfill ourselves, which builds us up, which delights our soul.

We block our future by sacrificing ourselves

It can be a big trap if we stay in the old way out of self-sacrifice, if we get stuck in a life situation that actually has no future due to excessive help and support from others. Things can also easily slip if we shape our goals along illusions, if our dreamed-of new world has no basis in reality, it is just a purple cloud.

The sign of Pisces shows these dangers. Therefore, it would be important to examine our possibilities on the basis of realities and make the right decisions for our next thirty years based on this.

So, a very important question is what we will put our energy into, what we will build, what we will spend our time on between 2025-2027? Because if we only chase illusions, we will throw our time – our most limited resource – out the window.

What is worth considering now? 

  • What kind of life do I want to live in the next three decades 

- relationships (partnership, family relationship, work relationship),
- finances,
- work, profession (new profession, study),
- daily activities (hobbies, home, travel, experiences, cultural consumption),
- self-development (health, appearance/beauty, mental balance)? 

  • What do I need to overcome to achieve these goals? 
  • Where do I not see myself in the coming years? 
  • Which relationships burden me instead of inspiring or empowering me? 
  • Which activities or work bore me? 
  • How realistic is what I believe about my own potential? 
  • Which of my desires is just an illusion, a daydream?

I wish everyone a wise, re-evaluation period!