Huge healing energies are moving during the full moon week of July
From the astrological point of view, the middle of July 2021 promises to be busy and exciting. We are in the full moon week, so the energies can be felt even more. What are the effects on us right now? What qualities, memories and past actions does fate confront us with - for our spiritual healing?
July 16-17: Sun-Pluto opposition
The Sun faced Pluto around July 16-17. (There was also a strong solar flare in those days, intensifying the effect.) So the Sun last week shed light on our unacceptable side and our self-destructive habits. He could reveal to us the reasons and past wounds, especially from the past or from family, that hinder our joy of life, which makes our lives incomplete.
He pointed to our addictive situations where we had not pulled our own influences with sufficient determination before, so we became the "objects of use" of others, and as a result, our self-esteem was lowered. This weekend has provided an excellent opportunity for many to set boundaries. Pluto is also extreme in that we can either go down or up then. Therefore, past relationships that no longer hit our new, higher standard are undergoing a transformation.
The Sun is still broadly, but until August 17, in opposition to Pluto and Saturn, so the possibility of self-discourse on the above issues remains open.
July 20: Mars gandanta, Jupiter again in the Dhanista
On July 20, more will happen in the sky. On the one hand, Mars reaches the gandanta point in the constellation Cancer. Thus, one who is in a seemingly unsolvable life situation can now intensify his feelings of hopelessness. We would go, but something holds us back - the chart points that it is the past, the subconscious, the emotions and the family.
Mars is in the Ashlésa naksatra, which may indicate adherence to our own ideas, thoughts, our narrower environment, our comfort zone. It can also show the presence in our lives of a previous vivid, poisonous relationship that, like the snake, surrounds us, embraces us, and it is difficult to get rid of this bondage. It can also refer to our actions when we used our magnetic radiation for possession and immorality.
The gandanta is a symbol of an inexplicable karmic knot, a difficulty we get due to a mistake made in a previous life / transgenerational line. In fact, the gandanta point is an occasion with an incredibly great transformative potential. With the right action, we can now finally put down our emotional shackles, old wounds can boil. Because of Pluto, huge healing energies are now being released that will allow us to rebuild our lives.

Another powerful effect is that on July 20, Jupiter will go back to the Dhanista lunar house. Artistic abilities, music, dance, rhythm and leadership ambitions may come to the fore again for those whose Dhanista naksatra has their assistant or major planet.
As Jupiter is moving in retrograde and will return to this point in a few months, it is an excellent opportunity to address in more depth the issues of success, wealth and fame. The meaning of the Dhanista naksatra is the richest, the most famous. The planetary position also suggests that too much to do, too much to help, is a wedge of wealth, fame, and between us. Now it is worth identifying those extra actions that are already holding us back.
July 24: Full moon in the constellation Capricorn
On this Saturday, in a week full of energy, we reach the full moon, which is closely coexisting with Saturn. The Moon will stand in the constellation Capricorn, in Uttara Ashada naksatra, which means to become invincible. To do this, we must first and foremost win over ourselves (our negative thoughts, our bad habits).
The current full moon marks new beginnings, new projects - and we shouldn't be surprised if we entered the opportunities for change indicated by the planets earlier this week. If we commit to our new kind of mentality, we will have great successes and an indisputable victory in the long run.